65 is still young to go untreated. What he said was technically true - that there is no
good evidence that SRT will lengthen your life. But there is evidence. The problem with the studies is that follow-up isn't long enough - 10 years is typical f/u. However, there is Level 1 evidence that SRT prevents metastases and progression, so if you plan to live past 75, it is something to consider. There is also Level 2 evidence that early SRT does save lives. In a recent study, 12-year overall survival was 91% for ART vs. 79% for SRT:
/pcnrv.blogspot.com/2018/01/new-study-adjuvant-radiation-saves.htmlBecause you had GS 7 and a positive margin, there is indeed a danger that the cancer that was left inside is evolving. It probably hasn't metastasized yet, and there is no imaging that will detect it now. The good news about
your positive margin is that you know for a fact that your cancer is in the prostate bed, so local treatment is likely to be curative. Here's a nomogram that shows the likelihood that SRT will cure you - I think it is close to 70% for you:
/pcnrv.blogspot.com/2016/08/probability-of-remaining-recurrence.htmlI think it is likely you are exaggerating the side effects of SRT in your mind. It is highly individual, but with 8 years since your RP and your relatively young age, you have a good chance of very light and transient toxicity, as in this recent study among 13,150 men: