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Thanks for that link. I had read it some time ago but it was good to review again.
There may be some relationship between the DHT product of TRT and rising uPSA due to its effect on urethral glands or other benign sources.
This resource seems to suggest that can happen in post-prostatectomy guys, not only raising the urine PSA but also the total PSA:
/www.researchgate.net/publication/47447046_What_are_the_possible_reasons_for_urethral_PSA_varieties_after_radical_prostatectomyOr I may have a combo of that and some uPSA from my (3 + 3 = 6) positive margin. My uPSA did trend down when I purposefully went off the TRT shots for a time last year. Need more tests over time. I may go off my TRT a few upcoming months and see if uPSA heads down again. Then I will feel more comfortable and maybe quit worrying about
Hope you get some good upcoming answers and results.