Prato: I have a teacher that I have been following for a little over 20 years.
I mostly just do the meditation. There are a lot of books available for free distribution from this same person.
His western name is Geoffrey DeGraff, educated at Oberlin then 20 years as
<DeGraff's credentials as a religious leader removed -- PeterDisAbelard>
This is the same link I dropped on your thread. It goes directly to a great book dealing with breath meditation, which as I have explained will facilitate the development of mindfulness. At this link you will also find all of his other books and thousands of
... talks ( short 10-12 minute talks on many subjects. The site is quite helpful and has many resources. There is never a charge and they certainly do not try to convert anyone.
Look at the titles to the talks and pick out ones that seem to fit such as. "Guided meditation" "Meditation" "Breathe" "Stress" and such.
One talk I particularly like is the one from 6/6/2004
Breath meditation can only be learned by the "doing". There is no other way. Understand that you have been living for xxxx years so you will not turn that around in a single session. Patience and endurance will get it done. Read the book the link takes you to and just stick with it. I also HIGHLY recommend that you listen to several of the guided meditation talks. They are designed to be listened to while you are meditating.
My only intent is to be helpful to all beings.
I have edited out a few bits here since we seem to be drifting close to the limit of the "no posts of an overtly religious nature" rule. It's not that what you wrote is objectionable, it's just that if I let you crowd the line the Wiccans will be here next demanding equal time. ... Actually, I'm kidding about the Wiccans. Haven't heard from them yet. But there are some others who have been voicing concerns.
Blessed Be,
PeterDisAbelardPost Edited By Moderator (PeterDisAbelard.) : 8/16/2018 9:52:59 PM (GMT-6)