As I said in another thread I work in high tech, cutting edge, always have. Aerospace/computer science double major. I go for my 6th cloud certification next week. We are doing absolutely mind blowing amazing Star Trek type things in the cloud today that no one even HEARD of 10 years ago.
I know there is also cutting edge research around the world and we know SO much more than we did just a few years ago there also. Its unfathomable to me that we can’t even discuss that research (from top ranking cancer hospitals) here without an argument. Then people can decide for themselves, with their doctor, if it may be valid for them depending on their situation.
I think its almost criminal, and I have zero patience for a closed door, so I can’t be here. I may check in after football season. Whoopee huh
What shocks me even more is that this thread will likely be locked, we can’t even talk about
Vaya con Dios