Posted 10/5/2018 4:02 PM (GMT -5)
IGRT doesn't solely rely on fiducial markers and over the short time period of the treatment plan, they don't move much. IGRT - image guided radiation therapy also uses a scan of your prostate bed to identify major structures and adjust the position of the machine. FMs are only one thing they check - they can also locate the bladder, prostate and other things without reference to the markers if needed.
They can also measure day to day any movement of markers and adjust the position as needed.
At least once a week, the RO will recheck a CT scan to verify the RT beam is hitting where it's suppose to.
When I ask if I could have sex during RT the RO said, "You should do that at home, not here."
The system accounts for it, checks it, and compensates as needed - you'll be fine.