I havent posted much since last year and havent visited since early summer. I needed a break to clear my head so to speak.
Anyhow, I was diagnosed Oct 2017, Biopsy, 13 cores showed 6 of 7 cores on right side 20-40% involved with G3+4, per JH with 10%G4 in the lower two in the Apex. Note JH review showed lower involvement in the cores and less G4, not that it really matters, but good practice to get the 2nd opinion on biopsy.
I opted to go with Brachy Boost, have a good doc who has done over 500HDR mono and Boost plus performed over 1500 LDR in the past. Has switched to HDR the last 10 yrs.
anyhow, got 2 day HDRprocedure, 17 catheters(have the whole plan Dose Volume Histogram and pic of the implant) 1st fraction 9.5gy, stay overnight with implant and have 2nd fraction next day, they also implanted gold fiducials for the beam. Did the standard 25 fraction 1.8gy/fr starting late Dec 2017 and finished early Feb 2018. early side effects minimal, off the flomax in a week, was tired but still worked. Took two weeks off for HDR part and did the IMRT on Truebeam, at site 15 min from work. Treatment as a whole went well with minimal issues, other than being tired at the end of the IMRT
My first PSA was in April, Nordx (new lab) came in 6.7 ng/ml. Note my initial PSA was 12.4 at local hospital in 6/17, 2nd was 8/17 from Mayo Labs came in 8.1 5% free and did a consult with Beth Israel in Boston and they got 9.6, so not sure what baseline PSA to use, guess around 9
Was kind of hoping for bigger drop but my Doc said not to worry, will go another 6 months. He said that in his experience, younger guys generally have slower decay of the PSA.
Anyhow was tested yesterday and it came in at 2.7 (Nordx), so trending down at 9 months out. I see my doc in a couple weeks. Feeling pretty good per the side effects so far. Still have good flow, no bowel issues that sort of thing.
Anyhow it will be a better holiday season this year since I wont be going thru treatment.
Oh thanks to everyone who posts, you give great info and feedback, it helped me ask the right questions during the consultations, and also what to expect.
I will be 57 in Jan, so dealing with this while working and everything else in life isnt easy as everyone knows, especially going thru treatment in the winter, your dealing with the stress and bleak time of year after the holidays, I tried my best to get thru with positive attitude and once spring arrived and my energy recovered, tried to stay busy, catch up on things related to the house, yard, cars and normal stuff I enjoy which took a back seat the prior summer.
So have a Happy Thanks Giving!
Post Edited (Turboz) : 11/22/2018 4:13:29 AM (GMT-7)