When I came off of ADT, over the next 4 months or so my testosterone recovered pretty fast. The PSA began to come up too, but it seems it was just rising up to whatever the post-radiation level would have been without ADT. After radiation and ADT there is just no good guidance on what that PSA pattern should be. It's just undefined. Keep in mind the Phoenix criterion for post-RT recurrence is 2 points above nadir. Your cooked prostate tissue can still make some PSA.
Be sure they're checking both PSA and testosterone. Give it time, watch the patterns. If you're like me, you may be alarmed at the PSA's early rate of rise. For me it popped up at a good clip, then leveled right off. The first few checks gave me some stress, to be honest.
The treatment you did is known for very good PSA control though, so with some luck you should be good!
I made a graph to try to show this.
PSA vs. Time, Radiation + ADT Recovery Pattern