Posted 3/29/2019 1:42 PM (GMT -5)
Injecting insulin to fight cancer? Theoretically because insulin's #1 function is to carry sugar inside of cells, so supposedly it will in this case hep get the chemo inside of the cancer cells?
Well, you never know. I have not read much about this one way or another. But one thing I have read a lot about is excess blood insulin's role as a growth factor for virtually all types of cancer, as well as a factor in many diseases. And that as a class, type 2 diabetics(by definition high blood insulin and maybe even having to inject even more) do worse when it comes to most cancers. And I have even seen a PC specific study showing worse results by a factor of 3 to 8 times worse for those with the highest insulin.
So, I don't know if- rather than promoting cancers and causing harm as extra insulin normally does- injecting insulin with chemo can actually help in the fight against cancers. (Although I do know that injecting too much insulin- relative to the amount of sugar/carbs taken in- can flat out kill you).
But if I was trying to figure that out, I would in the meantime be doing whatever I reasonably could to lower, and NOT raise, my blood insulin levels, for all kinds of health reasons including likely being a big help against various cancers. And this is consistently doable by cutting sugar, carbs, and/or intermittent fasting and increasing exercise.