MK1965 said...
....This tread became very interesting after pro surgery and pro radiation guys started responding.
With so many conflicting posts, it is even harder for you to reach your final decision. Consultation with multiple specialties ( Uro surgeon, RO) and seeing MDA Cancer team, is already excellent work in progress on your side. You will have all right information and knowledge to decide on treatment modality that best fits your needs...
I note that most on HW are giving advise to help you get the most reasonable treatment, rather than being strongly biased for any particular choice.
Absolutely weigh all the outstanding medical advise you get from your doctors, mix it with your own in-depth research, paying little attention to our anecdotal stories. We all have our personal tales of woe. MK1965 has an often told tragic one, thankfully extremely rare. For sure, don't use his surgeon!!
Good luck, again....