Charty said...
I'm here in Canada and went for my results on a CT and bone scan. All was negative. I have a 4+5 Gleason and I suggested to my urologist who I have known forever, I'm considering going to the US for radiation treatment. His advice was to save my money ,that it is a slow growing cancer and you can be treated in Canada in the next 6 months. Trust the guy to pieces BUT the feedback I'm getting from my readings is something different . This is serious and can't wait . Man, am I confused. It was my urologist that caught the high PSA in the first place so I feel I have to trust him. I'm getting two messages here and I'm confused . Any thoughts . If I stay with the Canadian treatment, it will be almost a year since detection by an MRI . Any advice
sorry to hear that man. you should post your numbers in a signature so these guys can help you. G9 prostate cancer is aggressive and needs to be treated ASAP. good luck to you.