The latest coronavirus seems to be somewhat more dangerous for males over 60 and we have a lot of such among our membership here on the forum so it seems worth sharing information here since prostate cancer and the coronavirus overlap in terms of who is most at risk. We have a number of threads going already but they don't have the focus I am looking for here.
Here's a link to prime the pump. It is perhaps as good a layman's summary of the coronavirus as I've seen. It's updated daily and the sections are marked with the date and time of the last update so you can revisit from time to time to see what's new. Of course, not everything is here. You can learn a lot more by diligently reading media reports but most of that extra knowledge will be wrong.
Don’t Panic: The comprehensive Ars Technica guide to the coronavirus [ Updated 3/12 ] The other threads are more fun than I expect this one to be. Full of wild speculations and explorations of rat-hole issues. Please continue to participate over there. I am something of a terrier myself and I love me a good rat-hole so I'll be there from time to time.
Try to keep this thread boring.