Once again, this is also copyrighted(sp?), so I am hesitant to just copy and paste the entire thing. So just go to the link provided to read the details for yourself.
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/vitamin-c-improves-healing-of-foot-ulcers-a-randomised-doubleblind-placebocontrolled-trial/b862f414be336b09fc405a3510ebd318#However, 1/2 of the patients turned out to have a baseline vitamin C deficiency. Of these, 1/2 had UNDETECTABLE levels. Recall the bet I have made in the closed vitamin D thread that if they would simply measure, that almost 100% of patients sick enough with Covid-19 to be in ICU, particularly those on a ventilator, had deficient vitamin D and C levels, and many would even have about
zero vitamin C. Also keep in mind how much more likely diabetics are to end up in ICU if they get Covid-19, vs non-diabetics. I think with this info from this study, I will now double my bet that most severely ill CV-19 patients have close to zero vitamin C in their blood. (and not much vitamin D, either)
But, a bit unusual, in this study,
as soon as they found out which patients were deficient in C, at 4 weeks they put all of those patients on C for the next 4 weeks. Just a little oral dose of 500 mg mind you. None of that fancy 20,000 mg IV business. Considering the simplicity of the intervention, I think the results were simply astounding. I will certainly keep supplementing with vitamin C.
At 8 weeks, healing in the vitamin C group was an astounding 100%. Compared to the placebo group which, as expected without successful treatment ( remember "Few strategies improve their healing, and amputation rates in high-risk foot services are usually over 30%.") actually got worse on average, with a healing rate of minus 14%.
I have never seen results for any diabetes drug to even come close to that. To summarize: "Healing without amputation occurred in all patients in the vitamin C group. In contrast, 44% of controls had not healed their ulcer at the end of the study period.". That is simply amazing. Remember the terrible consequences of unhealed foot ulcers, which often lead to amputations! Especially considering the safety and low cost of C, that should be headline news all over the world. But, it won't be, probably won't even be reported anywhere that a lot of people will read it. If you read this, you will have to know how to find it, buried among all the other studies. In most cases, you will have to go looking for it yourself, or you will never know about
it. Hopefully I turn out to be wrong about
Being the usual cautious researchers, they end with "Vitamin C improved healing of foot ulcers. Further studies are needed to determine whether there is a threshold effect for serum vitamin C above which therapy is ineffective and whether there are better or lesser responding subgroups.
Because of its low cost and ease of access and administration we recommend offering vitamin C therapy to all people who have chronic foot ulcers and potentially suboptimal vitamin C intake.". Post Edited (BillyBob@388) : 10/6/2020 1:46:01 PM (GMT-6)