Stephen S said... much vitamin D/vitamin C/zinc should an adult be taking each day? I take two of these every morning,
but thats just calcium and Vitamin D3.
Hey, Stephen! Wow, I sort of hate to give specific advise for someone else, after all, I might be wrong. But, I guess I can throw out some general stuff. But best to research it for yourself and then make the decision for yourself. I would tell you to ask your doctor, but not many doctors are into vitamin C or D or any other vitamin, so you would most likely be told to either don't take any or take a ridiculously small Vit D dose like 600 IU per day. In fact, there used to be a very famous and highly esteemed member here who got mad at the mods and stopped posting, but he used to insist that most people need zero, and he took zero. And he used to get really irritated with me when I would link to a study, even RCTs, favorable to vit D supplementation, and even accuse me of wanting to hurt people. I would assume there are at least a few folks here at HF that would agree with him on some of that, so you can see opinions are all over the place. IOW, since I could be wrong, I'd rather you become your own expert on "how much", as some folks might say "zero".
However, here are a few facts of science to help you decide. I'm not going to bother with "proof" links, right now, so just take my word for it, or not. First, did you know that 30 minutes of sunbathing in the south, most white folks bodies will produce their own vitamin D at 10,000 to 20,000 IU? Whether you believe the Bible or believe that mindless evolution "designed" you body or something in between, I often wonder why I would have been designed to make my own vitamin D in such "massive" quantities if our bodies did not REALLY need it? And if the oft recommended dose of 400-600 IU/day was dangerous to exceed? Makes me wonder.
But the safest way is to go by your own blood levels. Finally, at long last, I think most doctors these days would recommend a minimum blood level of 30, or at least shoot for 30 ng/ml, if not much higher. But some white folks carry around blood levels of 60-90 ng/ml simply by getting plenty of southern sun every day. (darker skinned folks require MORE, and normally run lower vitamin D levels than whites, and coincidentally I suppose have more PC and do worse with CV-19) So, if that is the "design" by nature, is 30 really enough? I don't know. You will have to decide.
Not long before I was diagnosed with PC, I started supplementing vit D3 2000 IU/day. I had my blood level checked after a couple of months, and it was a disappointing 30. Which tells me I was probably deficient most of my life except when working outdoors or hanging around the pool/beach. So I jumped it up to 10K/day, which got me up to 80. I felt that might be too high, so I dropped it down to 5K/day for a few years. But then I was talking to my niece more recently, who had stage 4 breast cancer in 2014(after a couple of failed treatments for stage 3). She told me that her doctor had her on 10,000/day. She had no sign of her cancer 6 years after last treatment, so I figure it has not hurt her, so I went back on 10,000/day. But how much should you take? I don't know.
As for vitamin C, consider that science says humans lost the ability to make their own vitamin C, unlike the other animals, due to a genetic defect that happened a long time ago. How much does a goat make, adjusted for human weight? about
13,000 mg/day. When sick or stressed, about
100K/day. (hence some studies giving 50k to 100K per day. How much for you? Well, I have had no IV C. The limit on regular tablets will be determined by the dose that causes you to run for the bathroom. I have been taking 2 to 4 gm per day(4000 mg) lately, but I have taken as much as 10 gm day for short periods.
Zinc, I'm not taking any at the moment. But I have taken 15-30 mg/day along with maybe 2 to 4 mg copper(zinc is known to deplete copper). So you might want to take zinc with copper if you decide to go that way. I think I would prefer to take a smaller dose with an Ionophore which helps get the zinc into the cells where the virus is. Hydroxychloroquine is an Ionophore. I have read that the supplement Quercetin is also, as is green tea. But I certainly don't know for sure. Also, I'm thinking you want to be a lot more careful to NOT get too much zinc/copper, which is not near as much worry with vitamin C. Or even D, though you can overdo D if you work at it. I offer these links just for general interest, I don't really know much about
it: Edited (BillyBob@388) : 5/4/2020 8:34:00 PM (GMT-6)