Posted 4/27/2020 6:25 PM (GMT -5)
Entertaining tread....
Four months ago I figured I might die some day from PCa, now I think the chances of that are quite diminished. I had to do some volunteer work, high risk or not, so maybe the virus gets me, or my wife will kill me, or just watching everything cherished disintegrate will do it. When basic services stop and food in is shorter supply than toilet paper, things will get very interesting. Life isn't guaranteed, and maybe we're just doomed.
I am so proud of all the courageous, selfless activity going on, just as I'm saddened by the selfish, mindless, stuff happening. Trillions being thrown around, quite inequitably for sure. Science, politics and all of us have few valid answers but are very willing to point fingers, condemning those who are trying to fight what may be an unbeatable foe.
Just random most of this thread.