compiler said...
If I take a financial hit, that's one thing.
Losing a loved one, or being dx. with the virus... seriously? I see no equivalence here whatsoever!
Agreed - If I, personally, take a financial hit, so be it. But if we keep the state's economy locked down so long that a large number of businesses can no longer re-
open, then it will affect the local society in a much larger way. In this, there needs to be balance. If we are to keep things locked down until a cure or vaccine is available, plan on 18 to 24 months. This simply makes no sense. In the weeks between weeks 6 and 10 of the planned lock down here, there will be no significant progress toward the release of either a cure or a vaccine. So, as the Devil's advocate, I ask, "Why wait?"
Using restaurants as an example, when the stay-at-home order was implemented through April 30, the local restaurant association estimated that 25% of family-owned restaurants would fail and not re-
open. When that order was extended through May 30, the association revised their estimate up to 50% not making it back. That is significant. This is probably true of a large array of family-owned and small businesses. Small businesses contribute (I've heard) 85% of jobs in this country. If we lose half of these small businesses, what is left of our economy?
Also, consider the local conditions. As mentioned, the stay-at-home orders do not avoid infections. They do delay infections so as to not overwhelm the local medical systems. In our state, these medical systems, with a few notable exceptions, have not gone beyond 50-60% utilization. They are nowhere near overwhelmed, so why continue these "draconian" measures to avoid a situation that simply is not present?
I'm not saying that I know what should be done. That is far beyond my pay grade. I am just very frustrated that there is not more dialog in government to figure out how to best balance the economy versus medical issues. That seems to be very characteristic of the country as a whole lately -- there is no middle ground in anything. Far left or far right. . . no in-between.