There may be reasons that a individual would prefer one over the other, but barring that, I would adhere to the research findings:
Systematic Review of Efficacy and Health Economic Implications of Real-world Treatment Sequencing in Prostate Cancer: Where Do the Newer Agents Enzalutamide and Abiraterone Fit in? (2020 Review)
No head-to-head studies were found, but we hypothesise that the AA → ENZ sequence may be less costly than ENZ → AA, because time on treatment tends to be longer for a first-line treatment and abiraterone is less costly than enzalutamide. There are indications that PFS of AA → ENZ is superior to that of ENZ → AA, which supports the former sequence as more cost-effective."
[PFS = Progression-Free Survival]
The sequencing studies I've seen found better PFS with Zytiga first, but, if I remember, no difference in overall survival.