81GyGuy said...
Predictions have been made and continue to come out as to how the pandemic will go now.
"The only thing that will prevent all of these potential scenarios is the development of a vaccine."
"The second scenario is possibly the most frightening because in many countries health systems ... could buckle under the strain and collapse, causing utter chaos and extremely high death rate."
"The third scenario is no less terrifying, and may be more likely to occur. Because ... COVID-19 could keep evolving so that it is effectively a new virus to which we have little immunity. If this happens it could also potentially derail efforts to develop a vaccine."
" ... the pandemic is unlikely to be completely over until late 2022."
Just one agency's take on what might happen, but maybe useful as a picture of what the general, coming patterns of this thing may look like.
Terrifying indeed, and for me so, SO frustrating. No matter how many studies come along all showing the same thing, and none showing harm, no one is willing to inform the public about
vitamin D or C or other possible helps. All the studies taken together indicate- to me at least- that paying attention to D and/or IV vitamin C- it is way more than possible that untold thousands of deaths could have been prevented. In that little clinical trial I previously linked to, where AFTER admission with CV-19 they gave a measly 1000 IU/day of D along with some magnesium(M) and B12(DMB) for a median of 5 days, 3 of the 17(17%) given D+ progressed to needing oxygen, compared to 16 of 26( 61%) in the control group. As for ICU admission, 66% of the DMB went on to need ICU, compared to 100% of the control group!
But these patients did not get DBB many times until well into advanced illness. "Of the 9 patients who received early DMB (in the first week of hospitalization), only one deteriorated, being among the 2, which required oxygen early...............The analysis showed that the odds of requiring oxygen went up with age and the presence of other illnesses, but went down significantly with DMB treatment, even after adjusting for age, gender, and other illnesses. The odds would have been even more impressive if the two patients who received DMB late in their clinical course were excluded. Importantly, there were no adverse effects that could be traced to DMB."
But here is a wild thought: rather than starting some D + M + B12 supplementation after people are already sick enough to be admitted to the hospital, what if Dr. Fauci and other revered and listened to by the masses medical authorities came out and informed the public of the possible help, with minimal cost and risk, that some of these alternative approaches might very well provide? If it helped that much once these folks were already bad sick, isn't it reasonably possible that it would be an even bigger help if they had already been taking these things before they were exposed to the dang virus? WTH? What is wrong with these people? I am beyond disgusted with all of them. To this very day, if I tell people I know about
D and C and IV C, not a few of them look at me as though I am wearing a tin foil hat. Because, after all, they have doctors for this sort of thing, and why haven't their docs told them? ( sometimes they have, but usually not) So, naturally my theories may be viewed with some suspicion. For the majority of them, leading them to a study for them to read for themselves ain't gonna happen.
So here we sit, with jobs and small businesses in continuing ruin, heading back into more shut down, people terrified to be in contact with other people, and all they can tell us is that either science must save us with a vaccine, or we must hunker down for a year or more while thousands die anyway. As though there is nothing else to be done to GREATLY lower risk. I must admit that situation makes me very angry.
I am fortunate enough to have one of the critical care professors/docs, associated with the IV vitamin C treatment for CV-19, located only 90 miles away in Memphis. He is one of the docs with the Frontline COVID-19
Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). But if my loved ones or I come down with a case sending us to ICU, I'm not at all sure I could badger one of the local docs into following their protocol. It might require legal threats. And could I get transferred to his care in Memphis? I have been wondering if I should try to make contact with him ahead of time. Or, there is the chance that he knows one or more of our CC docs, and maybe a phone call from him could convince them? What a sad state of affairs that I even have to think in such terms, i.e. how can I get the local docs to do the correct thing? This is the guy I want right here, closest one of them to me, about
1 minute into this little video. I have been thinking about
trying to contact him in advance:
https://vimeo.com/419666044 ( He is not talking about
IV vitamin C here, rather methylprednisolone, but he definitely gives C with it, as well as thiamine?B1, and heparin for the blood clots.)
I might be proved wrong once it is all over with. But I am convinced that between D and C and last ditch effort IV vitamin C + methylprednisolone ( and old, safe, cheap, readily available drug which I have given many times in the OR over the years), and maybe a few others like zinc, few if any had to die of this disease. Of course, if some one is on the verge of death in a nursing home, they re probably going to die no matter what you do, even if they get a slight cold. So there would be some we could not save, but the majority, everyone not already on the verge of death? After all, most of the deaths have been among our nursing homes and black folks, both of whom are known for the worse vitamin D insufficiency of all groups. So maybe I'm wrong, but I think few had to die, and they have died for lack of readily available, cheap, safe substances. But it's like a deep, dark secret, a great mystery, a great unknown to the public or most of our doctors, there seems to be no one to tell them. And it just pisses me off.