logoslidat said...
Here's a question/statement I will toss out...I find it amazing that the vast majority of posters have very small differences on their views on masks...so where are the posts from HW members that disagree with the vast majority???
I wanted to respond to this at many different levels as I have on occasion tilted against the vibe here with regard to what I am going to stubbornly call the Wuhan virus at least just once.
As someone new to the forum, I have only been here around 8 months, I just want to say I think the service each of you extend to PCa newbies is excellent. You collectively guide complete strangers down the right path. You quite literally are saving lives. For that the world owes you a debt of gratitude.
However, when it comes to the virus, many of you guys are living in an echo chamber and dismissive of anything that doesn't fit your narrative which you are convinced is all utterly "science based". Whether it is hydroxychloroquine, sweden, the severity of the lockdowns, masks, etc....most of you are living in a bubble.
There is nothing particularly wrong with an echo chamber, as long as you realize you are in one. People get to pick who they want to discuss things with. I knew full well I was going to poke at a hornets nest when I tilted against your windmills, but I actually think its kind of fun...so I did (and do) it anyway.
Even with group think there are still nuggets of information. It was in one of the early threads of the virus where someone pointed to infection2020.com and I have visited that place daily since March. So whoever posted that link, thank you.
There was a great article in the Wall Street Journal two weeks ago (behind a paywall...sorry)
https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-deadly-is-covid-19-researchers-are-getting-closer-to-an-answer-11595323801?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=13They nicely aggregated all of the serology studies that have been completed to date from all over the world. Basically it i(and the CDC) s saying the infection fatality rate is about
6 people per 1000 (interval of 5 to 8). However if you are older than age 65 it is almost 7x (!!!) that rate.
Unfortunately the folks here are largely in that demographic, and it stinks that many are dealing with the stress of Pca and Covid simultaneously. So everytime I come here and wander into a Covid thread I keep that fact in mind. The risk, fear and uncertainty is real.
On the flip side your disdain for people who disagree with you should be tempered by the fact that their circumstances might be different than yours. Say for example that your kids had just launched their career. They are 35, they have three kids and a mortgage and are:
- out of work because of Covid
- their children were not properly educated last year (and likely again this year) because of Covid
and yet they know that Covid is essentially background risk to them.
If that were you, you just might defiantly shun a mask simply to make the point that look....I didn't wear a mask and I survived. Guess what guys...that opinion is "science based" as well. The data are irrefutable. Also, most people are under 65.
There may be people who haven't seen their kids or grandkids in 7 months for fear of the virus. They may have had it and defiantly say "this is no way to LIVE". Another valid viewpoint.
The population is being cowered because 99.5% of the time....we will be OK? Think about
that. Even with the over 65 crowd if you were told that we could cure PCa 95% of the time but there are risks....would you hesitate?