Posted 2/16/2021 4:46 PM (GMT -5)
Here's my pathology results as posted on their mychart site. Results were not as good as I hoped but maybe not as bad as they could have been.
Right now I have a PSA check scheduled for 3/30/21 and a follow-up with the surgeon the following week. He wants to check to see where the PSA is and possibly then recommend salvage radiation.
A) - SURG PATH, left pelvic lymph nodes
B) - SURG PATH, right pelvic lymph nodes
C) - SURG PATH, Anterior prostatic fat
D) - SURG PATH, prostate and seminal vesicles, stitch at capsule tear
Clinical History
Preop Diagnosis: Malignant neoplasm of prostate. Medical History: Elevated PSA.
Pathologic Diagnosis
A. Lymph nodes, left pelvic, dissection:
No evidence of neoplasia in 8 lymph nodes
B. Lymph nodes, right pelvic, dissection:
No evidence of neoplasia in 14 lymph nodes
C. Lymph node, anterior prostate, excision:
Fibroadipose tissue, negative for neoplasia
D. Prostate and seminal vesicles, robotic radical prostatectomy:
Prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 4+3=7 (see synoptic report)
Histologic type: ACINAR
Gleason score: 4+3=7
Grade group (1-5): 3
% pattern 4 in Gleason 3+4=7 (na=not applicable): NA
% tumor: 16
Tumor extent (n=no, y=yes, na=not applicable):
Extraprostatic extension (f=focal, m=multifocal): mM
location of extraprostatic extension: RIGHT ANTERIOR MID, LEFT ANTERIOR MID
Microscopic invasion of bladder neck: N
Seminal vesicle muscle wall invasion: N
Margins (n=negative, p=positive, na=not applicable): P
Distance of tumor to closest margin (cm): NA
Longest contiguous positive margin (cm): 0.05 CM
Positive margin location (apex, bladder neck, mid): LEFT ANTERIOR MID, LEFT APEX
Regional lymph nodes (na=not applicable):
Number examined: 22
Number positive: 0
Additional findings (lymphovascular invasion, therapy effect): NONE
pTNM: pT3a N0
Comments: NONE
Grade Group Definitions
1=Gleason 5-6, 2=Gleason 3+4=7; 3=Gleason 4+3=7, 4=Gleason 8; 5=Gleason 9-10
Pathologic Staging Definitions (pTNM)
Primary Tumor (pT)
pT2: Organ confined
pT3a: Extraprostatic extension (focal is <1 high power field in 1-2 slides, multifocal is more) or
Microscopic invasion of bladder neck (in thick muscle, no adjacent non-neoplastic glands)
pT3b: Seminal vesicle muscle wall invasion
pT4: Invasion of external sphincter, rectum, bladder, levator muscles or pelvic wall
Regional Lymph Nodes (pN)
(periprostatic, pelvic, hypogastric, obturator, fossa of Marcille, internal iliac, external iliac, sacral)
pNX: Cannot be assessed
pN0: No regional lymph node metastasis
pN1: Regional lymph node metastasis
Distant Metastasis (pM)
pM1a: Metastasis in non-regional lymph node (ex: aortic, common iliac, caval, deep inguinal, superficial inguinal, retroperitoneal)
pM1b: Metastasis in bone
pM1c: Metastasis in other distant site
The above synoptic report complies, in slightly modified form, with the guidelines of the College of American Pathologists and the Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology for the reporting of cancer specimens
Microscopic Description
A microscopic examination was performed.
Gross Description
The specimens are received in four properly labeled containers with the patient's name and accession number.
A. The specimen is designated "left pelvic lymph nodes" and consists of a 6.9 x 4.9 x 2.4 cm aggregate of tan-yellow, lobulated fibroadipose tissue. Dissecting the tissue reveals eight possible lymph nodes ranging from 0.3 cm to 4.6 cm in greatest dimension. Four of the lymph nodes are sectioned to reveal tan-grey to grey-brown, partially fat-replaced cut surfaces with no distinct lesions identified. The lymph nodes are entirely submitted. RS 6
Summary of Cassettes: A1, four whole lymph nodes; A2-A4, each contains one bisected lymph node; A5-A6, one serially sectioned lymph node
B. The specimen is designated "right pelvic lymph nodes" and consists of a 7.0 x 6.1 x 2.1 cm aggregate of tan-yellow, lobulated fibroadipose tissue. Dissecting the tissue reveals fourteen possible lymph nodes ranging from 0.3 cm to 3.5 cm in greatest dimension. Five of the lymph nodes are sectioned to reveal tan-grey, rubbery, partially fat-replaced cut surfaces with no distinct lesions identified. The lymph nodes are entirely submitted. RS 9
Summary of Cassettes: B1, six whole lymph nodes; B2, three whole lymph nodes; B3-B4, each contains one bisected lymph node; B5, one trisected lymph node; B6-B7, one bisected lymph node; B8-B9, one serially sectioned lymph node
C. The specimen is designated "anterior prostatic fat" and consists of a 4.0 x 2.6 x 1.4 cm aggregate of tan-yellow, lobulated fibroadipose tissue. Dissecting the tissue reveals one possible lymph node measuring 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. The lymph node is bisected to reveal grey-brown, homogeneous cut surfaces with no distinct lesions identified. RS 1
Summary of Cassettes: C1, one bisected lymph node
D. The specimen is designated "prostate and seminal vesicles, stitch at capsule tear" and consists of a 48.89 gram radical prostatectomy. The prostate measures 4.8 (right to left) x 4.8 (anterior to posterior) x 3.6 cm (apex to base). The right vas deferens measures 3.4 cm in length x 0.5 cm in average diameter. The left vas deferens measures 2.3 cm in length x 0.5 cm in average diameter. The right seminal vesicle measures 4.2 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm. The left seminal vesicle measures 4.5 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm. The external surface of the prostate is grey-brown, predominantly smooth and is remarkable for a 1.5 x 1.0 cm surgical disruption of the capsule which has been previously stitched back together. The disruption is located at the left posterior base and is inked orange. The remainder of the specimen is inked as follows: Right anterior lateral = blue, left anterior lateral = black, posterior = yellow. The apex and base margins are shaved and perpendicularly sectioned. The remainder of the prostate is serially sectioned from apex to base to reveal a pale tan-orange, ill-defined mass located in the central anterior apex and mid prostate that measures 1.3 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm. The mass is 0.3 cm from the right anterior lateral margin, 0.2 cm from the left anterior lateral margin, and 2.2 cm from the posterior margin. No extracapsular extension or seminal vesicle invasion is identified. The remaining prostatic parenchyma is pale tan, rubbery and slightly nodular with no additional lesions identified. The entire prostate gland is submitted for histologic examination in whole mount cassettes. (TP) RS 9
Summary of Cassettes: D1, apex margin with mass, perpendicular; D2, base margin, perpendicular; D3, cross section of right and left seminal vesicles/vasa deferentia; D4-D9, remainder of prostate gland sequentially submitted from apex to base (yellow ink partially missing in D6; right parenchyma partially missing in D9 -- in adjacent section in D8)