mattam said...
Then there's the almost infinitesimally small chance that each of is here individually. Those millions of sperm cells are fighting it out to fertilize that egg. A change in the very minute, or probably the very second, our parents completed the deed likely would have changed which sperm got there first...
I think the viewpoint changes how one looks at this question. For each of these sperm-meets-egg events, there aren't millions of moping gametes ruing their not being successful -- gametes don't mope or rue and have no viewpoint. We humans, nonetheless, can rejoice.
Which brings to mind something a friend once told me about
his Jr. High science teacher said while explaining that earthworms are hermaphrodites -- meetup are not frequent and they have to take advantage of every opportunity. "There are no Junior Proms for earthworms." A great line.
Djin, party pooper
Post Edited (DjinTonic) : 6/8/2021 7:53:20 PM (GMT-6)