Of course doctors, nurses, radiology workers, hospital staff, and even health center librarians and such come to us as familiar titles when we think of employment specialties in cancer work.
But one that may not be all that familiar to us, and which I for one was unaware of, is "cancer registrar."
Or perhaps I have been uninformed. Had you heard of it?
It seems they are out there, working with their colleagues in cancer care, and they make a contribution.
Bing definition:
Cancer registrars are data information specialists who capture a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every cancer patient.Also Bing:
A cancer registrar is someone who manages a cancer registry, a collection of carefully collated data about cancers. Many nations have cancer registries, and individual hospitals and research facilities may also employ cancer registrars to track trends unique to their institutions.So it looks like the job is kind of combination of data collector, data processor and analyst, statistician, and even librarian, working to identify facts and trends both for individual patients and for patient groups involved with cancer.
A short Youtube look at what a cancer registrar is and does:
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=cancer+registrar+youtube&docid=608012673109798361&mid=1a8e8c1928c3dbe175051a8e8c1928c3dbe17505&view=detail&form=vireAnother feature, according to some other sites, is that this work can often be done at home over the web, with work produced at home transmitted to a remote hospital, lab, etc.
Another member of the cancer care team that it's good to be aware of, and to appreciate the contribution that people in this specialty make.