That's the feeling of some fine art promoters, who take medically oriented prostate photographs, images, scans etc., produced in hospital/clinic settings, and reintepret them as images of fine art.
A curious approach to viewing the lines, colors, and images of photos of prostate tissue, cell congregations, blood, infections, and the like. But, by golly, perhaps there really is a sort of artistry to it all, in viewing cold, scientific, objective visuals as a sort of vibrant art.
Such art would be classed as modernistic, colorful, and certainly imaginative. It might even be at home, as far as some are concerned, hanging on the walls of some prestigious art museums.
"Art is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone will have their own interpretation,” is a quote by E.A. Bucchianeri, and that would certainly seem to apply here.
So while it's probably true that many (most?) of us would not be interested in hanging on our living room walls an enlarged photograph of a malignant cell cluster, calling it art, there are some who would.
They can even purchase such fine art, as some will call it, and have it shipped to them.
See for yourself: Evidently art really is in the eye of the beholder.