Mumbo said...
I also have a tentative theory that each person has a finite effective benefit of ART and that the earlier it is used, the less effective time remains before it eventually fails. Essentially, you help breed the cancer to not need hormones as it morphs along. I may be completely wrong about this but since you can’t kill the cancer 100% with ADT, you eventually make it stronger.
I'm thinking you meant to say ADT instead of ART at the top of the quote. If so, I fall into this camp too, based on the philosophies of the three MOs I've had. And at this stage, when curative treatments have failed, there is scant evidence that starting ADT early is better. MOs will be working with their beliefs and experiences in this area of treatment, without the benefit of SOC, as far as I know. I do understand the impulse of guys wanting to keep the cancer down before it has a chance to get "out of control." I think there can also sometimes be an unbearable discomfort for some guys knowing they have an increasing PSA. There can be the urge to "do something."
MOs no.1 and no. 2 were in favor of letting the PSA go to around 20 and then treating with ADT, but starting earlier if the doubling time was short or mets became detectable on bone or CT scans. (The newer sensitive scans are shaking this definition up, though).
MO no.3 was fine with the plan until my PSA took a big jump and said it was time to move. I might have pushed the ADT delay a little too much, but so far, so good.
OP, sorry for going OT.
Mumbo, if your quote was what you intended, nevermind. 😁