Posted 8/21/2022 3:09 PM (GMT -5)
I'm sure we all know what "filtering" means with regard to online data: a software action that reads data and sorts and manipulates it to fit a requested display pattern.
Well, it turns out there's a neat little filtering button right here on the HWPC content screen (first screen we see when we sign on) that can be used to reorganize how the entries on that screen appear.
First of all, regarding the content screen, the default display of entries that have been made and are being made to the forum is obviously chronological, latest entry first. That's what we see when we sign on.
But go to the content screen. In the upper middle part of the screen you'll see the words "Sort by" with an expansion arrow next to them. Click on the expansion arrow and you'll see the following filtering possibilities:
Started by
Last comment
And by clicking on any one of them, the content screen will be immediately reorganized, from top down, to reflect that request.
Some comments follow on what doing this produces. Click on the above filters yourself to confirm my following observations:
The display pattern seems to be generally alphabetical by thread title, but when a title begins with a number or symbol, the order becomes a little confusing. Note, for example, that the "(No subject)" threads file first, and they go one for several screens. However, if you know the title of a particular thread, you should be able to locate it by paging through the screens until you reach the beginning letter for it.
Similar comment as above regarding the alphabetizing, with numbers and symbols appearing first. For example, entries started by"142" appear before any letter-using names. Further example: my threads ("81GyGuy") begin on screen 23 (using the search key at bottom right of screen to find them). Criticism: it doesn't seem to be easy to jump to a page very easily, one has to keep paging through the page numbers in the search key at bottom right.
Self explanatory, easy to use. Just look at the "Last seen" column on right side of screen, and you'll see that entries are organized by the number of "replies" the thread has received. Interestingly, the famous "No Subject" thread is in the lead right now with 1078 replies (as of today) (and congratulations to thread starter Pratoman), with, and may I say with a little chest-puffing, the threads in positions two and three started by yours truly. And as you page down, and then on to later screens, you'll see the numbers continuing to decrease, as the replies to the threads listed become fewer.
Similar as to Replies, but Views (see "Last seen" column) is just that, the number of looks that threads have gotten. It's obvious from looking at this display that a LOT of different threads have gotten a LOT of views. (And again, congratulations to Pratoman for coming in at number 12, as of today, for the "No Subject" thread).
Obviously, the Replies and Views displays would be useful for determining what have likely been the most popular forum threads. (I remember that some have wondered about that in the past).
This filter obviously displays "last commenters" by date and time, in reverse chronological order (see rightmost column). Personally, I'm not sure I see the value of this kind of sort, or how often one might make use of it. Or am I missing something? Please post below and say how there might be a value to this kind of sort, if you see one.
Anyway, it's interesting to know that these kinds of filtering are available on the forum here, and are now there for you to use, and play with, if you would like.
And it's sort of fun to browse through them, seeing what the most viewed threads have been, which ones have inspired the most replies, or which poster has started what threads!
So have at it if you would like, and take a little time to "filter away" at the forum's past offerings, and see which ones have been the ones on top!