Htownman said...
I did find my previous MRI. Volume then was 145cc and I seem to remember the latest was 160 cc.
As far as location, the report states ".9cm area of mild restricted diffusion without suspicious enhancement at the right peripheral zone mid gland. - Prostatomegaly
That's a magnificently sized prostate! Large prostates are counter-indicated for radiation typically, especially if you have urinary issues going in. Lots of tissue to radiate. Steers you to surgery.
I did have urinary issues, including a retention bout after my biopsy, and leaned towards radiation anyway if I ever need to come off of AS. I chose to have a HoLEP for the urinary problems, which uses a laser to hollow out the prostate. They removed 100cc of my 140cc prostate, got rid of the urinary issues, and made me suitable for radiation. It also gave them all the material to biopsy (it was clean). Life changing for my urinary issues.
A bummer is that most PCa is in the peripheral zone, which is what the HoLEP doesn't remove. Mine is. But if any is in the transitional or center zone, out it goes for inspection. I had mine reviewed by both Hershey MC and John Hopkins. That gave me a warm and fuzzy.
Not advocating, just informing. Best of luck!