Steve_in_MD said...
Prior to salvage radiation, I had a whole body Fluciclovine PET. Abnormal uptake at the prostatectomy site. No high suspicion lymph node or separate disease.
Since your prostate bed (and lymph nodes?) were radiated, the PCa has escaped to elsewhere, which you seem to be well aware of. In my case, there was a small suspicious spot on a rib and one on a hip fossa. Interestingly, the four bone scans I've had prior to going on ADT have never shown an increase in size, even after my PSA went pretty high after primary treatments. The radiologists' impressions were always that these areas were not PCa mets. My medical oncologist (MO) treated as if the spots were mets. No matter really, the cancer is somewhere.
In my original post I didn't want to say too much, but as you said, you may be headed to lifetime ADT. You already know what that's like, but it's doable. If it comes to that, Lupron plus a 2nd gen anti-androgen can keep you going for a very long time.
Let's see what the docs say. Please let us know.