Just over a year ago I had a Total Colectomy (whole of large intestine removed) for Chronic constipation since birth. Since the operation I have had uncontrollable weight gain. The total opposite to what you would expect following this operation. I have put on nearly 3 stone in less than a year, depsite lving on a diet of veg and fish as I can no longer eat normal food. I have 4-6 bowel movements a day and I can't drink any alcohol. I don't smoke and I work full time. I have always struggled with my weight. I have 3 sisters who just never put on weight but I have always had to wach every little bite and exercised myself to death. If I go on a diet, it has to be extreme with masses of exercise and I won't drop a pound for 6 months! Nigthmare! I am very hairy also. After my operation I went o my docotr becuase my whole belly was covered in a fulfy brown down and he laughed. I shaved it off and now I have to pluck out wairy hairs that grow from my bellybutton and around my scar. I am so embarassed and no one knows this but I have recently started to save the down off my face beacuse I feel it has got thicker an worse. I have adult acne that I can not get rid of depite 6 months on strong antibotics and my temp is always too hot or cold. I have constant headaches and like icthy feet, esp at night? My legs swell up and my hands also, I seem to retain alot of water. Most of these have got worse since my operation and I have put this down to the surgery. But after being forced by my mum I wen to the doctor and admitted the truth. I was scanned for polycystic ovaries- all clear and he took bloods to check my thyroid- all clear. But reading the posts here I am convinced that there is an undrlying issues here that is linked? What do people think and what whould I say to my doctors. I get the feeling he thinks I am attention seeking now! It took me ten years for them to listen about my constipation and look where that ended up! any advice welcome!