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parathyroid- high calcium? Wow never heard of it.
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Regular Member
Joined : Jan 2010
Posts : 22
Posted 9/9/2016 12:23 AM (GMT -5)
Well had blood test at GP for something completely unrelated and they asked me to go back a month later. Turns out high white blood and high calcium (2nd time they did full blood count too).
Never heard of parathroid before but some of the symptoms look very familar to me. Especially the ones about
being difficult to deal with from partners point of view lol. I've just known that its not right for a while.
So what happens now? Do I need another test PTH? Or did they do that?
Or it it cut and dried now with high callcium it deffo needs sorting. Im late 40s, overweight so bit concerned that I need to get it sorted if thats it.
For instance, how long will I have to wait in the uk for an operation?
New Member
Joined : Feb 2016
Posts : 13
Posted 9/22/2016 3:03 PM (GMT -5)
Hi, I dont know about
your case, but the parathyroids are tiny glands that are on/in the thyroid itself. They do control the calcium levels in the body.
I dont know if u really need an operation or not. Isnt there something else to do first?
You got a blood test? I would check my levels of all the other chemicals in the body.. Say if magnesium is low or potassium, these all work together in the body.. it can disrupt everything else..
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
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Posted 9/26/2016 1:39 AM (GMT -5)
Have you had a PTH test done? You need it and calcium test.
When I was tested for it I found this website was excellent.
You can take your test results and see for yourself if you have a parathyroid problem.
Regular Member
Joined : Apr 2016
Posts : 31
Posted 11/1/2016 11:24 AM (GMT -5)
I had parathyroidectomy surgery done in 2014 due to high calcium and they found 2 enlarged parathyroid glands that were removed during surgery. I had high calcium (above 10 is high for anybody especially with a high Parathyroid Hormone test (PTH). I suffered for over 2 years because the doctors didn't think it was high because my calcium was still in the normal range? I lost weight and was very sick for a long time, before I found out I had Chronic Lyme's Disease last year. I weighed 82 lbs when I finally found a doctor in another state to do the surgery. I know now that the Lyme's bacteria was making my parathyroid glands enlarge. The lyme's can cause inflammation anywhere in your body, and especially affect your thyroid gland. I had never heard of parathyroid glands either, until I was diagnosed with it myself.
The only advice I can give you, is never give up on finding a doctor to look in to the matter more. Even though you have Lyme's other problems can come up that need to be treated. I don't know what would have happened to me if I had not kept searching for a doctor to treat me, when all the other doctors were giving up. I even had 1 doctor tell me "just to wait and see", I don't think after weighing 82lbs I could keep waiting around to see what would happen. High calcium can cause a lot of problems in your body. Your calcium, PTH, ionized calcium, D3, and magnesium need to be checked. All of these work together. You need to find a doctor who understands the parathyroid gland. Everytime I would say parathyroid, they would put down thyroid in my medical record. I don't know if the doctors even knew the difference.
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