skinny_joe said...
Im struggling to get a doctor to consider thyroid problems. My recent labs are:
TSH 3.19 (.4-4.5)
T4 Free 1.1 ( .8-1.8)
T3 Free 2.6 ( 2.3 - 4.2)
Ive seen several doctors and even a endocrinologist and they just shuffle me around and say my labs are normal. Are these normal values?
You are in the gray area. TSH is NOT the tell all, and many Drs know this finally. Yet some offer old advice thinking TSH is "king". And Drs fear giving trial med to patients like you in fear of med-induced hypErthyroid.
Ive been hyper and learned my tolerance limit of thyroid med. You just stop taking it for a while, common sense.
Your body does not use TSH, its just a signal from the pituitary gland to your thyroid.
What your cells use are T3 and T4 which are in range, but low in range. Without a baseline (no one has that) for yourself in the past, you dont know if this is normal for your body or not.
1)Conventional Drs are unlikely to treat you.
2)NP's might try a natural thyroid med like Armour pig thyroid. And then test again.
3)You can always read up on thyroid support products from a vit/sup store. To my amazement, some actually work so Ive read.