I've only ever posted in the lyme disease section before, because that was the diagnosis I received (based on symptoms and a bulls-eye type mark I had).
At the time things started going haywire for me, my primary care did thyroid blood work -- and said my numbers were fine (but borderline). So she proceeded with other avenues, but still checking the thyroid.
When I developed an issue with her noticing my thyroid was swollen (based on feeling neck) and my having trouble swallowing and having pain in that area, she ordered an ultrasound of the neck. The report (as she read it to me on my office visit), is that the thyroid was 'generously' sized with big (she gave the size but forget) nodule (or two - again, I don't recall, it was a lot of info and I haven't been that clear thinking to begin with), as well as having swollen lymph node.
My primary care doctor feels that since she treated 21+ days for lyme, that this issue is new and not from lyme. My lyme dr. feels it's a result of the lyme.
These are my numbers,
mid August
TSH, 0.81 (normal range .4 –4.0)
Free T4, 1.3 (normal range .8 – 1.8)
first of October
TSH, .69
Free T4, 1.3
ANTIBODIES 12 (normal <35 IU/mL)
2nd week of October
TSH, .64
Free T4, 1.4
Free T3, 2.9 (range 2.6-4.4)
TSH 0.383
Free T4, 1.7
It doesn't appear that there are high thyroid antibodies --- so would that eliminate Grave's disease??? (I hope!)
Would borderline numbers cause big issues???
With the antibodies not being out of the normal range, what could the swollen thyroid be from?
I asked primary care, she said she wasn't sure, to re-test in 6 weeks, and based on that go to endocrinologist.
Aside from the pain in the throat and tightness when swallowing, the biggest concern is the pretty much constant chest pain and weird pulse I've been having, I can be sitting watching tv, and it will be okay (90), and then drop to 67, then shoot to 120. It was for a couple/few weeks being more normal, not going much over 105 if that, but now back to scattered.
It's also hard to determine what's from lyme at this point and what is from the thyroid.
Other symptoms I've had (and again I am not sure which is from lyme, which is thyroid, or something else)..
facial numbness and tingling (usually on left side, but also at times on both, or just on right)
trouble falling (and staying) asleep
shortness of breath (went from jogging or walking 3 miles a day, to being winded walking around apartment)
chest pain
sinus tachycardia (as determined by EKGs and stress echo)
muscle pain
joint pain
cold all the time
shivers (that come randomly)
constant headaches
weird stomach pains (one ER visit resulted in CT w/ contrast of abdomen - which came back fine)
vision issues (floaters, blurred vision --- visit to eye dr. as well as MRI showed no cause physically with the eyes or brain)
speech issues at times (slurred words or trouble forming the words)
and a few others
Post Edited (knack) : 11/29/2013 9:31:26 AM (GMT-7)