Ok, so I am kind of freaking out here. I am praying someone can help ease my worries. I am almost 39 weeks pregnant, due any second, and in a minor flare. With my first child I didn't flare at all until after I stopped breastfeeding. With this one, I am already flaring so I can only imagine what giving birth is going to do to the situation. Ok, here's the issue. Last time around I wasn't on Asacol. This time I am. My doc said that it gives some babies diarrahea and then moms have to stop BFing. Ok, so you are thinking, not the end of the world Jen why are you freaking out your baby can just take formula and he will be just fine not breastfeeding? Well my daughter was SEVERELY allergic to dairy AND soy. She couldn't even take the hypoallergenic formula that is $15/can and refused neocate(the only one that has no dairy or soy and tastes really really nasty so I couldn't blame her) which is $30/can..oh and the cans are REALLY small. So I breastfed her, through all the issues we had(I won't go into the BFing issues as I save those for the mom forums.
) So...what if I go into a crazy flare, have to up my asacol or..even worse get put on some meds that I can't breastfeed on at all and then my son is also allergic to dairy and soy and the only thing he CAN eat is breastmilk??? You see the stress? I don't know what to do and then I start thinking maybe it was irresponsible of me to have a baby when I know I have UC. I just really didn't think I would flare as I didn't flare last time during pregnancy and my UC has been pretty good to me lately...
When are they going to find a cure to this #%@$%$#^#^$% disease?????? Ok, I'm done with my rant. If you are still there, thanks for listening!