When I started on Prednisone (also at 40 mg), I was wondering the same since I had no signs of improvement on the fifth day. It actually kicked in for me at the seventh day of 40 mg. I took 40 mg for 9 days and then tapered down at 5 mg incrediments every 5 to 7 days. I am at 10 mg right now. I wouldn't say I am in remission yet - I am having my period now and major problems regarding the UC
-, but I haven't seen any blood in 10 days, no more night time BMs and total BM are 2- 4 a day (seeing that now from having 30+ BMs a day is definitely a huge improvement), but I hope I am getting there and life is livable again.
I am sure you will see and feel improvements soon, too. Hang in there - I know, it is the dreaded prednisone. Just take the lowest dose that works for you for the shortest amount of time (that is what my doctor says) necessary. And by the way, I had the most improvements while being on 25 mg for a week.
Hope you feel better soon!