What are you asking about
pH? Here's why I ask:
The more communication there is between any given body part in its natural state and the world outside the body, the more variability there is in a pH that will sustain life. The pH levels of the skin, the mouth, and the vagina, for instance, can swing quite a bit even in a state of health. But closer to the inside, the body naturally regulates pH much more tightly. The pH level of your blood, for example, if you're not in a health crisis so acute that you are hospitalized because you're having organ failure, is between 7.39 and 7.41. Absolutely nothing you eat or drink within normal limits (i.e. you haven't swallowed antifreeze--and there again, you're on the way to the hospital) will change that.
You can have very severe acid reflux without that having anything to do with the pH level of your blood or even of your stomach contents--the problem there is that your stomach acid is where it doesn't belong. Some acid foods will aggravate it, but some alkaline ones will, too. Things you eat don't have much impact on the pH of your intestines, because whatever effect they have is overwhelmed by the effect of the acids and enzymes your own body makes no matter what. Intestinal pH doesn't cause UC, and altering it won't treat or cure it.
Body pH is a topic for an awful lot of quackery. Some of the products sold to attempt "regulation" of the body's pH (which is unnecessary outside of a hospital--see above) can make you very sick. They are not regulated by the FDA, are never required to prove their claims, and their manufacturers are rarely held accountable for the effects of the products, even when people have been hurt by them. Unfortunately, it's a bit of a wild, wild west for quacks in the US right now. There are no contolled clinical studies showing that these things work. It's nonsense, a giant waste of money, and it's very angering to see their makers and marketers prosper on the backs of sick people.
Sorry, bit of a rant. But if that's what you're asking about
, that's what I think!
Post Edited (Charlotte Gilman) : 12/20/2008 11:03:16 PM (GMT-7)