I should start by saying that in Nov. I had my 3rrd remicade infusion. about
20-30 mins into the infusion I started getting these pains in the underside of my wrist that traveled slightly up my forearm--they would come and go so I dismissed them as just radiating pain from the iv site. Hiwever, about
an hour later the pain had traveled completely up my arm into my arm pit and had me in tears. The nurses stopped the infusion flushed my iv and moved the site to my other arm. Their intentions were to find a larger vein, however I have horribly tiny and scarred veins so they weren't too successful in finding a much larger one. Within about
15 mins of restarting the infusion the pain was back again but I told them I'd suffer through it since I only had 15 more mins to go. At that point they were calling my doc and the hospital pharmacy. The pharmacist said I was having vasospasms which are an extremely rare side effect of remicade. Fast forward to today, I went for my 4th infusion....had tons of pre-meds--solumedrol, pepcid, iv benadryl, plus allegra and tylenol in the hopes that it would stop any reactions. The nurses told me no bucking up that I had to tell them the minute I felt pain, if at all. I tried to remain hopeful, but of course the pain came back...nearly in the same exact place it had happened before. The infusion was stopped, and my doctor was called. He ordered iv lidocain
which meant heart monitors and all that fun stuff. Basically it didn't work, the pain kept coming back so he eventually nixed the infusion and said ti call on Friday he needed to see me right away. The nurses told him because of their numerous attempts to stick me and the size of my veins, that I am a perfect candidate for a med port or picc line. Everyone in my family has a medical background and said the port is too risky..infection wise and suggested I do a picc. My problem is that whichever one I get has to remain in until I'm done with the rest of this year's infusions so I'm leaning towards a port since a picc is rather risky and limits what I can do. Has anyone dealt with this, either the reaction or ports/piccs? I'm feeling very alone in this issue