I work in a health clinic, & yes it's true that drug reps are no longer allowed to be bringing us gifts- no more pens, post-its, notepads, free spreads from Panera Bread or Dunkin' Donuts... very sad! But the drug reps can still do lunches or dinners with the staff- however, my clinic stopped that a while ago. It's just become policy not to accept the free lunches or dinners, mainly due to scheduling conflicts- no provider has the time to sit & be schmoozed by a drug rep for a few hours! Truthfully, I don't think the gift-giving has ever swayed any script
writing decision- it was always looked upon as a nice unexpected treat, but nothing more. And this is just the food gifts- no one gives the pens & paper a 2nd thought. It's just a marketing tool, a real-life commercial. I mean, we've got clocks with Viagra printed on them!!! Gimme a break.... But, I'd be royally pissed if anyone from my doctor's office called me to suggest going on any drug- unless it was my GI himself, & it was something we had talke about
previously. But to get a call out of the blue??? Plus it would freak me out- it's like "Why, do I need to go Humira? Am I that bad???"