Hello all,
I'm having trouble trying to figure out what's going on with me, I'm a 27 year old truck driver which makes it difficult to get into a doctors office (I plan on seeing one soon though)
anyways I've had one episode a year for the past 3 years of rectal bleeding (bright red) with no pain after and with my stools varying in the amount of blood that comes out, then there's always this mucus looking thing that comes out by itself or with my stool at the end of the episodes, in a form kinda like a long fat loogie (whiteish/pink in color) I also have had a few narrow stools but that is not very often, I've also had some abdominal cramping this time being so bad I almost went to the hospital after the pain I had diarraha (once) then it subsided and went to a dull sore feeling (left side mainly but also in the genral lower abdominal area)(this is a new sympotom for me) the next day I started to bleed. these episodes only last for a few days but this time it went away then reappered and lasted for another 2 days. I'm feeling a bit scared, I've always over looked it because it always went away but now this being the third time I'm concered. I know it could be anything but UC seems to be more of my symptoms. I feel fine during and after I have these epidsodes (except for the abdominal cramps but even that is manable). but does anyone know if it were cancer would it come and go like that? (I know everyone is different and need to go to the doctor to really know whats wrong with me) I need advice from people that are going through the same thing, or any advice to what might be wrong with me, and who do I go see? and if I go to the ER would they beable to figure anything out for me? (I dont have insurance yet so its kinda hard right now) thank you so much for reading this and any help will be better then no help.