WishfulMA said...
Kiss...how ya feeling these days? are you still doing the spinach diet? I still can not believe you are in remission. I also can not believe I do not motivate myself to give it a whirl.
I'm doing just great! Thanks for asking.
In the craziness of my flare last year, I forgot that one of my doctors told me he believed I have IBS. So although I've been in remission, I've still had occasional stomach problems. Now that I'm addressing BOTH issues, I'm doing even better.
I think that's kind of a tricky thing about the spinach/sunflower thing - both of those foods are extremly fibrous and rough on the stomach, so its important (especially for people who also have IBS) to eat those foods along with soluble fibers like white bread or pasta. I learned all about soluble vs. insoluble fiber on www.helpforibs.com. Great website.
I also wonder how many people have IBS in addition to UC, and how much one feeds into the other. I'm going to write a post about that...
Anyways, do you think you'll try the diet? It's so worth a shot. When I read about all the meds and doctor visits and side effects that people deal with on this forum, I just can't believe I'm done with all of it.