My mom bought me a natural herbs and supplement book that I read the other day. It had a section on Metamucil which stated that 1 capsule only had .52g of Psylium Husk. It also stated that the wafers had 3.4g of Psylium Husk in a dose (2 wafers). Seeing that the capsules haven't done anything at all for me (except frustrate me more) since I started on them almost a month ago, I figured I would go ahead and purchase the wafers to see if they work.
I know that the wafers have artificial flavoring in them but I figured I would try them anyway becasue most that take them say that they are very good and affective.
So yesterday was the first day that I took them and I kid you not, I feel a million times better today. I've only gone to the bathroom once (this morning) and it was solid for the first time since December!! By they way, they actually taste pretty good.
I hope they continue to work!