I've been on LDn for 7 weeks now, but just 6 days on the recommended dose of 4.5mg, proir to this I was working up by 1.5mg and then 3.0mg. My mood and overall health has improved. The studies show those who took LDN at 4.5 mg saw a increased improvement or cease in their disease, so I'm hopeful a change is coming. I feel, however, bacteria is involved b/c I'm still having mushy stools with blood.
I had to be on antibiotics last week for bronchitis and I noticed (now twice in taking antibiotics) that my stools get formed and my inflammation is almost non existant. I'm still thinking there is a bacterial problem and I want to be tested for Lyme disease.
I live in Michigan, can anyone recommend a great doctor, that really does their home work and try to help find the cause. I think when I go to the doctor I'm not going to mention UC, b/c once i do they just lump me in that catagory and they say that can't help.
I've had chronic diarreah in the morning for 4 years, mushy, stinky stools which can indicate a bacteria problem.
If you can recommend a doctor in Michigan please email at lindac@westbranchair.com
Thank you and I will keep posting.
Blessings, Linda