Mitzo said...
I agree that it is best for people to honestly share what may be working, free of fear of putdowns or attacks. For god's sake, this condition has a lot of us feeling fragile enough as it is!
Mitzo-I am having trouble with the quote box here, forgive me!!
Anyway, I couldn't agree more with what you posted here-wow. I am a member of a number of message boards (this is the only UC related one) and I have to say, I gasped out loud reading this thread-and that is a RARE thing for me indeed. I really wish there was less fear of spammers and trolls and more open support. Like you said, the UC has a lot of us feeling pretty vunerable and isolated as it is. IDK-my mom always told me that if I couldn't say anything nice, to keep my mouth shut. (not that I always do, lol, but I think it is a good motto to live by)
ucisnotforme, I am so glad you are finding some relief with yogurt. ITA about the frustration of spending so much money trying to find a good probiotic or another supplement that will work. And what works for one doesn't always work for another and so on and on. It is just tiring and frustrating. I also agree that going off meds is probably not a great idea-but just being able to lower the dose is awesome. I know I was diagnosed with a mild case, went into remission, went off my meds (I had never been told it was a bad thing to do-bad GI doc to start off with), then when the flaring returned, it came back with a vengeance. The same meds were no longer cutting it, and I was no longer dealing with a mild case. After being hospitalized, I ended up with a different GI and in a trial for Humira and am now on that for the long term. NOT what I wanted at all for my life, and I wish I had known how important it was to stay on those maintenance meds. I wish you continued success and continued remission!!