Posted 10/26/2009 2:58 AM (GMT -5)
i didnt flare until 9 and a half weeks pregnant.
i was in full remission prior.
ive been on colifoam for like a week and a half now maybe slightly longer.
i was at my drs the other day. he called me in for appointment and prescribed entocorte.
since it is supposedly safer than pred during pregnancy. body absorbs less of the med and it gets to the colon.
it better cuz its $300 a bottle (30 days worth).
im afraid of fiber.... formed bm's hurt like hell. and when i say hell i mean like super duper really bad.
the imuran i was only on for a few weeks. not even enuf time to get it going, just long enuf to know im intolerant. once i stopped all side effects and pain went away immediately. liver function tests returned to normal.
i do not take probiotics. i have in the past and they didnt seem to do anything for me at all. so i kinda stopped.
i have a bad gag reflex when im flaring. just looking at pills makes me gag.
i take so freakin many that i dont even want to take more like probiotics etc...
so, im on mesalisine, entocort, colifoam, vitamin d3, preg vitamins, xangojuice (when i remember - i know im terrible person) and i eat yogurt lately for more calcium.
no diet.
this is a new flare that has steadily gotten worse over last 2 weeks. only had it for 2 weeks now, but feels like ages!
going in for my combined first tri-mester ultrasound on wed to see how everything is going.
would fiber hurt? bulkin up my stool sounds like it will hurt... ALOT.