Burli said...
…..If folks want to follow the diet or add supplements (without scientific data backing them) someone else tried that they reported got rid of their flare then they, in my opinion, are wasting their time and will be disappointed (unless the have the same allergy to a food that was eliminated). So ask “Jack and Jill” about their sunflower seed oil, green tea, no red meat, strickly chicken and rice, spinach, carrot juice, turmeric, strickly salmon and yogurt, garlic, no gluten, no rice, no grains, orange juice, no sugar, no HFCS, no preservatives, no caffeine, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial colors, aloe vera, flax seed oil, no dairy, garlic enema, acupuncture…sorry if I missed yours but there are space limitations on these posts.
Burli....I get where you're coming from as you've tried a lot of things and none of them worked for you, so you're disappointed -- fair enough. But adding a can of spinach or some sunflower seed butter to the daily diet isn't that big a deal, or risk. After all, it's food that people normally eat.
So if it works well for someone, then good for them. And if not, then lesson learned and you look for something else. The same goes for most of the other things that you listed. I'm diligent at researching whatever I take, but I don't need to read scientific data just to justify drinking 1 glass of spinach/carrot juice a day or adding some salmon to my diet.
I think it's extremely important to encourage 'Jack and Jill' to post their comments so that we can all have a discussion about
it. Sure, many of them may well not be cures, but if they get someone to remission, or reduce symptoms then that's a huge help too.