Too funny! I have always been a gassy (sp?) person but after my diagnosis, it got even worse! I blame it on the meds. Fortunately for me (and everyone else), mine usually don't have a lot of smell unless I have eaten something that doesn't agree with me but they are LOUD. My friends say that I don't "bake" mine long enough to build up any smell.
I even pass a lot of gas in bed, very loud and long. My husband said he was dreaming of an avalanche one night and he woke up in the middle of it only to realize that I was farting in my sleep. He asked how a person could fart for that long. I KNOW that is from the suppositories at bedtime.
Depending on the situation, I either pretend nothing happened or I laugh. I usually laugh. You have to have a sense of humor with this disease, that's for sure! Humans are the only animals who are embarrassed by bodily functions, although I do agree that there are definitely some situations that it is just not acceptable to "let 'er rip"........
Matches work really well for getting rid of a bad smell from gas very quickly.......don't know if it would be appropriate to be lighting matches at work, or the gym for that matter. Being an owner of a gym, I am used to bad smells from people working out, and I think most others in there know that it is something that happens when you are working out. Breathe deep, it goes away quicker. LOL.