As the OP, I'm female. I did mention I was 56 and on estrogen (had a hysterectomey and I thought the estrogen was protecting my bones). I'm taking about
1000mg Calcium, 500mg Magnesium and 600 D a day and I think I should probably get some boron or Vit. K too. I exercise faithfully, so even though I was on prednisone, I thought this combination was counteracting the possible bone loss. I was wrong.
Funny you should mention about the teeth, lately, my teeth are REALLY sensitive to hot and cold. I'm supposed to get a cap replaced-- I hope I'm not going to have a problem.
I've been on about 5 courses of prednisone over the course of my 6 year run with this disease (started when I stopped smoking). Moreso on the the prednisone lately since I think I'm becoming dependent--plus the cortisone enemas every now and again. I'm supposed to start remicade Monday, so hopefully it will go well and I can wean off the prednisone for good. I'm also thinking I should lay low on the coffee and colas, as they are supposed to leech calcium from the bones. Some say green teas strengthens your bones, but it's just not the same as coffee to me. I'm just wondering if it's any better to get the shots or infusions for the osteoporosis. I know you are not supposed to even stay on these meds long term.