Sorry to bump this thread, but I went out of town the next day and figured it had scrolled off with no bites. I didn't realize a few replies ensued three days later!
Anyhoo, it seems my own experiences were very similar to puffed rice and Jratt!
Saw him in winter '04 after being referred by my MD. I'd been suffering with symptoms of what you could only describe from reading this forum, as mild but bleeding UC!
He gave me a quick sigmoidiscope, told me I had Anusitis and sent me home with a scrip for Anurex. This is not so much a medication but rather a device, a cryogenic probe which is kept in the freezer, has a life of six months, to be inserted (freezing) like an enema and kept in for about
15 minutes. It was basically just an alternative treatment for hemmoroids.
Well it did absolutely nothing to alleviate my ever worsening UC, the blood was still there and Bms were getting more frequent. My next visit was for a colonoscopy, when he said he'd removed a couple of polyps but still no mention of to just where the blood was coming from. I later found out that this Anurex device was his own 'invention' and he gained big-time on every sale!
On the third visit (spring '06) he gave me a sig. and after telling him that I was having about
12 urgent bms a day he then prescribed 5asa enemas/suppositories/pills plus lomotil and and told me to see him in 3 weeks. Well it just got worse and my weight was dropping rapidly, like 35 lbs in 6 weeks. My last visit he gave me his obligatory excruciating sig. and simply told me there was "nothing more he could do for me and to see another specialist"
He basically MISDIAGNOSED me which allowed my UC to go UNTREATED for almost 18 months!
My current GI said pretty much the same thing that Jratt said, and it's rare that medics trash talk their own unless there's good reason.
Sure, I felt so bitter about
his incompetence especially the fact that with a proper earlier diagnosis, my UC would have probably been nipped in the bud to an extent that it would have never got such a foothold and reached the 'pancolitis' stage that hospitalized me for a week with a life-threatening major flare.
I contemplated suing his arse but thought twice as it would be difficult to prove. His reputation must have taken a knock as I don't think he's operating at his Oakville clinic anymore.
Thanks for listening.
Post Edited (Mackster) : 8/5/2010 2:56:29 PM (GMT-6)