Posted 10/5/2010 9:12 PM (GMT -5)
Okay-So aside form the horrible physical effects of this terrible disease are the emotional scars that one can be left with.
First off, I have and incredible support system around me (husband, family) who have been my pillars throughout this horror feature film starring my Colon with an overactive immune system as a supporting cast.
Today was full of tears and hopelessness. I can't figure out why that is since I have felt a lot worse...My husband hates when I say this but I am gonna say's not fair!!!! Why me?? I want off this ride. Sometimes in the middle of the night when I am not sleeping I feel like running out into the street and screaming.
Been thinking a lot about surgery visits to have increased too. Lately I have been fantasizing about waking up from surgery being in some pain but knowing that the problem has been taken out...sweet relief. Then I have this though: Is it possible my mind is just as sick as my colon? This sickness is slowly taking hold of me. I pray I wake up with a different perspective.
Hugs to all, sleep tight.