Oh man, THANK YOU for posting this. I have been more or less successful in avoiding self-blame for having UC, but I have a LOT of self-esteem issues over the weight thing.
I don't even need to lose that much weight. Maybe 10 pounds. And I work out a lot and I walk a couple of miles daily, and still I am struggling with this weight issue. And all along I've been thinking that everyone with UC struggles to keep weight ON so how bad must my diet be that I'm in the exact opposite camp?
I'm a big fan of Leigh Peele, and I know that if I were to actually follow her regimen, I *would* lose the fat I'm trying to shed. She's really smart and she doesn't advocate any fad diet. With her, you figure out what your appropriate maintenance level is for each kind of nutrient (protein, fat, carbohydrate), and then you make sure you get at least that much.
I just need to crack down on the food rewards I give myself. This never was an issue when I smoked cigarettes :-( Along with speeding up the metabolism and giving your mouth something to do besides eat, they also curb the appetite.