Has anyone here worked with a nutritionist to find specific foods that may bother their UC? I know that everyone is a little different when it comes foods that may bother them.
Right now my UC is very manageable, but not perfect...some bad gas a couple of times a month, maybe some blood/d a few times a month for a couple days each time. I'm grateful to have what I feel is mild UC, but am willing to try looking into my diet to help keep symptoms at bay, as I don't feel like it's bad enough for more meds right now.
I have an appointment to talk to my GI next week. In the past when I've talked to him about diet, he usually gives me a general answer about how everyone's UC reacts differently to specific foods. But I would really like some more detailed info on how to properly explore what food items may worsen my UC or make a flare worse so that I can avoid them.
Should I ask for a referral to a nutritionist if my GI can't offer any specific information?
I'm curious about this since my dad called me up all excited because his co-worker printed him an internet article about foods to avoid if you have UC. He told me not to eat apples and throw out frozen broccoli and never eat salads. My initial reaction was to laugh uncontrollably at his simple "solution" to my disease
and to tell him that "if it's on the internet it must be true!"
But I'm thinking it's at least worth it to talk to my doctor and get some more info from another specialist...