Posted 5/27/2011 9:01 AM (GMT -5)
Besides the pain and discomfort from this wretched disease there are also 'extraintestinal lesions' (EIL). The most common are arthritis and skin lesions. Other EILs are inflammatory eye manifestations, kidney stones and liver disease. But supposedly there is research indicating that silymarin compounds from the herb milk thistle are effective in protecting the liver from EIL damage.
I took milk thistle when I was flaring that included an assortment of EILs. This is from "Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine" by Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, page 594. It is available in any book store, it is still a best seller.
"Serious liver disease (i.e. sclerosing cholangitis, chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.) is also a common EIL, affecting three to seven percent of people with IBD. If individuals are demonstrating liver enzyme abnormalities, they should take silymarin, a group of flavonoid compounds derived from milk thistle (silybum marianum). These compounds exert tremendous effect on protecting the liver from damage as well as enhancing detoxification processes."