Threads like this make me freak out! While I do not share the UC dx I share in your need for a bathroom ASAP! I've been in harried situations before too but in your case, that employee should have said - oh of course, let me push my cart outside and you can use the bathroom. Let's just say he must not have anyone in his family with bowel issues!!!!
It's enough to make you just want to drop your pants on the spot and go #2.
Not really but wow, wouldn't that send a message?
Yeah I know, not many of us would do that (although I could imagine it, that person would find themselves in jail no doubt).
But when it's urgent, those w/o bowel issues have zero compassion. This is when I wish them just one day of mild food poisoning. Is that terrible to admit?
Just one day of explosive diarrhea.
But who am I kidding - the non-bowel issue people will never understand our needs. Never!